
Paul Fournier

Captain Profile Page - Deadliest Catch WikiCAPTAIN: PAUL FOURNIER
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Nickname(s): Wolf, A nickname he has had sense High School

: 23

Fishing vessel: The NorwegianHighlander

Years aboard current vessel:

Previous vessel(s)

Years of captain experience:

Total years at sea: 8

Hometown: McGregor, Minnesota

Strength(s): Family Oriented, Strongly Independent, Competitive, Safety & Good Rules for and Situation on the sea

Weakness(es): Too attached to his credit card

Capt. Paul Fournier

Paul Fournier Bio: Paul Fournier is a third generation fisherman & farmer. He has just moved back a life known to many as a hopeless city living situation, Making a promise to his godfather in 2004 before he died. To be the first one in his family to bring the IrishNorwegian name back to fishing. long past do. Swearing do the inposible for his family.

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Captain Profile Page - Deadliest Catch WikiPAUL FOURNIER'S RESUME
Past Professions: 5 years of Restaurant Cook, 2 years of Construction Work, 1 years of Security/Police work, 8 years of Amuture fishing Exp.
Skills: Being about hide being crazy and completely insane but appear to be a humble Christian

  • "Don't like it ........ Fine jump off my boat or shut it!"
  • "The longer I work the better I feel ^_^!"
  • "God is my life, Love it or deal with it"

    Favorite body of water:


    Family: (My Proud Family) Paul J Fournier (Father) Julie D Fournier (Mother) Jessica L Fournier/Zachow (Twin Sister) Dylan D Fournier (Brother) Don & Irein Mahon (Grandparents) Papi (God Father : R.I.P. 1901 - 2004) Charley Hansen Fournier (Son : R.I.P. 2004-2005)


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