Don Huggins I have a message for your "deckhand" ******** Huggins! I was watching his interview on Deadliest Catch season 1, and his ignorant view on unions need correcting. He stated negatively about "union coffee breaks" and lead it to believe that unions are misguided. IF this is how he truly feels about unions, then HE himself needs to be re-guided. Please let him know that I would love to help him be re-directed.
Posted: Apr 9 2014, 8:12 PM EDT by mlaitine
Old Age and Treachery, Coffee and Cigarettes Old age and treachery, huh? I personally feel that A really good dirty mind and wickedness is much more fun. All the coffee you can drink ( or any other beverage of your choice ) and all the cigarettes and cigars you can smoke. Then sit around and swear like a bunch of drunken sailors. :))
Posted: Jun 13 2008, 5:24 AM EDT by BlackWidowSC
Correction on DC in Time The correct address is time.com/tunedin. Sorry everybody. BlackWidowSC
Posted: May 24 2008, 4:53 PM EDT by BlackWidowSC
Deadliest Catch on Nightline last night Saw the boys on Nightline last night. It was too short, but I loved it.
Posted: May 20 2008, 5:40 AM EDT by BlackWidowSC
Larry Hendricks CAPTAIN: Larry Hendricks Create your own captain profile! Click EasyEdit above to add to this profile. Don't see the EasyEdit button above?
Last updated: Oct 9 2009, 7:05 PM EDT by BlackWidowSC
Sea Star DEADLIEST CATCH FISHING VESSEL: Sea Star Deadliest Catch season(s): Deadliest Season (2004) & Season 1 (April 2005) Type of cra
Keyword tags: Sea Star
Last updated: Oct 12 2008, 5:16 AM EDT by goluckyladygo