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1905. RE: get rid of Keith
May 16 2012, 7:06 AM EDT | Post edited: May 16 2012, 7:06 AM EDT
I agree,think Keith did the right thing as a captain was quite impressed how fast he responded to his green horn,did sound like maybe a stroke as Cloudsinmotion posted whatever hope things are looking better for him.Sandi Do you find this valuable?    
1906. RE: get rid of Keith
May 16 2012, 7:28 AM EDT | Post edited: May 16 2012, 7:28 AM EDT
"I remember the news reports at the time. I know he made it to Anchorage alive. But there was no further info. My guy who used to be a medic was thinking stroke. "
I have never seen keith so scared since he's been on the show , i was thinking the same thing [ stroke too ] but did you see his fingers curl up& he's only 28 yrs old & he had been talking about how scared he was, He had never seen the ocean,never been on a boat or a plane. we all hope he will be alright. Do you find this valuable?    
1907. RE: get rid of Keith
May 16 2012, 7:41 AM EDT | Post edited: May 16 2012, 7:41 AM EDT
I agree,but what would make his fingers curl up like that,it really scared me and I was only watching the show,cannot imagine how all crew felt having to watch that young man go thru whatever it was so far away,and then having to wait for the rescue team to arrive,my heart really goes out to everyone on the Wizard.Sandi Do you find this valuable?    
1908. RE: get rid of Keith
May 16 2012, 12:34 PM EDT | Post edited: May 16 2012, 12:34 PM EDT
its really bad when somethings out of your controll Do you find this valuable?    
1909. RE: get rid of Keith
May 16 2012, 3:35 PM EDT | Post edited: May 16 2012, 3:35 PM EDT
"I agree,but what would make his fingers curl up like that,it really scared me and I was only watching the show,cannot imagine how all crew felt having to watch that young man go thru whatever it was so far away,and then having to wait for the rescue team to arrive,my heart really goes out to everyone on the Wizard.Sandi"
He'd been working on deck just long enough to get his first bout of crabbers hand. No doubt, dehydration is part of the puzzle too. Do you find this valuable?    
1910. RE: get rid of Keith
May 17 2012, 3:39 AM EDT | Post edited: May 17 2012, 3:39 AM EDT
"I agree,but what would make his fingers curl up like that,it really scared me and I was only watching the show,cannot imagine how all crew felt having to watch that young man go thru whatever it was so far away,and then having to wait for the rescue team to arrive,my heart really goes out to everyone on the Wizard.Sandi"
I believe that was severe cramping due to dehydration. Those severe cramps coupled with abnormal brain activity in the form of convulsions typically signal a life-threatening condition. It isn't fluids that can repair the damage - it's electrolytes. That's probably why they were trying to get Gatorade in the poor guy's mouth. I don't know if the Bering Sea crab boats stock Pedialyte, but you mix the two together (because Pedialyte tastes terrible) and you can keep your electrolytes in balance for an entire cruise. I was thinking about the young man's family too. They're watching this now, as we are. This is the guy who had never been on a plane or a boat before? What was Mouse thinking! Do you find this valuable?    
1911. RE: get rid of Keith
May 17 2012, 4:33 AM EDT | Post edited: May 17 2012, 4:33 AM EDT
"I believe that was severe cramping due to dehydration. Those severe cramps coupled with abnormal brain activity in the form of convulsions typically signal a life-threatening condition. It isn't fluids that can repair the damage - it's electrolytes. That's probably why they were trying to get Gatorade in the poor guy's mouth. I don't know if the Bering Sea crab boats stock Pedialyte, but you mix the two together (because Pedialyte tastes terrible) and you can keep your electrolytes in balance for an entire cruise. I was thinking about the young man's family too. They're watching this now, as we are. This is the guy who had never been on a plane or a boat before? What was Mouse thinking!"
Pearl, my first trip up, that was the case for me too. Never done either and I was fine. It is hard to find people with any kind of similar experience and usually it works to have people with no preset notions.

I think DC showed him eating and doing normal activities on purpose. If it was seasickness, I think they would have shown him being green all over. Remember his first symptoms were a tingly arm, neck and face. The kid always looked inner-city pale to me. I think the crew thought it might be dehydration too but I cringed thinking it wasn't that good of an idea to pour liquid into the mouth of someone convulsing.
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1912. RE: get rid of Keith
May 17 2012, 6:29 AM EDT | Post edited: May 17 2012, 6:29 AM EDT
"Pearl, my first trip up, that was the case for me too. Never done either and I was fine. It is hard to find people with any kind of similar experience and usually it works to have people with no preset notions.

I think DC showed him eating and doing normal activities on purpose. If it was seasickness, I think they would have shown him being green all over. Remember his first symptoms were a tingly arm, neck and face. The kid always looked inner-city pale to me. I think the crew thought it might be dehydration too but I cringed thinking it wasn't that good of an idea to pour liquid into the mouth of someone convulsing. "
Oh yea, I had forgotten the snack...what was it..a bananna, couple of pieces of bread and an apple? Don't know if that is enough calories to go a long hours...but beside the point. At first I thought the Horn might being having some problems with his heart..the way he described his shoulder to the wrist pain...when he was laided down on the deck, it changed my mind with his fingers curling and the pain in his torso. I have been thinking about this kid since the show!

Now about Keith...I admit my feelings about Keith flip flop like my John Kerry flops! When he came down to see the Horn, you could tell he was serious about this kid and his situation! Keith cared down to the last fiber of his soul! Like it was Bug laying there in trouble. This makes me like him...but soon...he will lose it and I will be back to being a hater. *sigh*
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1913. RE: get rid of Keith
May 17 2012, 8:30 AM EDT | Post edited: May 17 2012, 8:30 AM EDT
I am pleased that this season that there is much less coverage of Keith. He reminds me of a couple bosses who were difficult to work for on a good day. I actually laid awake remembering stuff that they would do after watching DC last week. I think I just need to either not watch it at all or switch channels on Captain Keith. In a way, I now understand why DC is keeping him on show. He seems to be self-destructing and I am sure the stress is pronounced due to the changes in quota. He is evidently self made which is commendable but I think he and his crew would be better off not on the show. I don't think the show should can people with personal problems like Elliot though; we all have those. Keith is so volatile.
I would expect a captain to maintain calm, like the brutal British. Keep Calm, Carry On.
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1914. RE: get rid of Keith
May 17 2012, 5:47 PM EDT | Post edited: May 17 2012, 5:47 PM EDT
"Pearl, my first trip up, that was the case for me too. Never done either and I was fine. It is hard to find people with any kind of similar experience and usually it works to have people with no preset notions.

I think DC showed him eating and doing normal activities on purpose. If it was seasickness, I think they would have shown him being green all over. Remember his first symptoms were a tingly arm, neck and face. The kid always looked inner-city pale to me. I think the crew thought it might be dehydration too but I cringed thinking it wasn't that good of an idea to pour liquid into the mouth of someone convulsing. "
Clouds, I noted that because the Captains have all stated from time to time that the industry is in a depression and there are a lot of deckhands out of work. If that's the case, why not pick someone who's at least been out on the water? Especially if the experienced deckhands have families to feed too, and that's their profession? They all know that when they step on the deck of a new vessel, they have to un-learn the habits from the old ones. Or if they don't, the new crew is usually swift to remind them. Keith was the first to question Mouse's motives with the greenhorn, and I agree with him.

I agree with you 100% about poring liquid down the kid's throat. I think they were trying to cure a problem and meant no harm, but it still made me cringe. Drowning in Gatorade is still drowning. Aspirate that stuff and you can be in just as much trouble as any other liquid. I didn't think it was seasickness, because the DC guys love to show us puking deckhands. If he was seasick, he was a silent sufferer - if there is such a thing. All the people I've been around who were seasick were too miserable to care whether anyone saw them or not. :-(
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1915. RE: get rid of Keith
May 18 2012, 2:29 AM EDT | Post edited: May 18 2012, 2:29 AM EDT
Such great post from Cloudsinmotion and Pearlhunter I am learning so much from the both of you,thanks and please keep them coming,very informated information.Sandi Do you find this valuable?    
1916. RE: get rid of Keith
May 18 2012, 6:33 AM EDT | Post edited: May 18 2012, 6:33 AM EDT
"Clouds, I noted that because the Captains have all stated from time to time that the industry is in a depression and there are a lot of deckhands out of work. If that's the case, why not pick someone who's at least been out on the water?

If he was seasick, he was a silent sufferer - if there is such a thing. All the people I've been around who were seasick were too miserable to care whether anyone saw them or not. :-("
I think right after they went to quotas for opies you had a lot of guys that needed work but it doesn't take too long before they find something else and fade from the scene. As you know, they tend to scatter once off the boat. It's been a few years now. I expect most have found work elsewhere that doesn't lend itself to fishing schedules. There isn't a website, that I know if anyway, that you can post your resume as a fishermen and have it be seen by owners and captains. Most times, it's by word of mouth.

Case in point. My ex has been looking for work, back on a boat, after a hiatus of 11 years. He tried to catch up with some boat owners and captains we know but nothing was panning out yet. Zack Larson posted on FB that the Kodiak keeps losing guys. So I messaged him and told him I knew an experienced guy. He said they were full at the moment but he had heard that the Bering Hunter was looking for a guy. So, I researched until I found the boat owner's contact info. My Ex did the calling and emailing and Bingo! He's currently on a plane right now that will eventually take him out to St. Paul. Poor sucker. LOL

I was somewhat of a quiet sufferer. But then again, I didn't get -that- sick. Especially my first trip out. The first two weeks, the only thing I was able to keep down for longer than 30 minutes was half a cup of tea (literally) and half of an english muffin. But no one knew I was green. Mostly, I think because they were too busy to care.
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1917. RE: get rid of Keith
May 18 2012, 7:27 AM EDT | Post edited: May 18 2012, 7:27 AM EDT
the post was great,so nice of you to help out your ex,hope all works out well,Sandi 1  out of 1 found this valuable. Do you?    
1918. RE: get rid of Keith
May 18 2012, 8:40 AM EDT | Post edited: May 18 2012, 8:40 AM EDT
"I think right after they went to quotas for opies you had a lot of guys that needed work but it doesn't take too long before they find something else and fade from the scene. As you know, they tend to scatter once off the boat. It's been a few years now. I expect most have found work elsewhere that doesn't lend itself to fishing schedules. There isn't a website, that I know if anyway, that you can post your resume as a fishermen and have it be seen by owners and captains. Most times, it's by word of mouth.

Case in point. My ex has been looking for work, back on a boat, after a hiatus of 11 years. He tried to catch up with some boat owners and captains we know but nothing was panning out yet. Zack Larson posted on FB that the Kodiak keeps losing guys. So I messaged him and told him I knew an experienced guy. He said they were full at the moment but he had heard that the Bering Hunter was looking for a guy. So, I researched until I found the boat owner's contact info. My Ex did the calling and emailing and Bingo! He's currently on a plane right now that will eventually take him out to St. Paul. Poor sucker. LOL

I was somewhat of a quiet sufferer. But then again, I didn't get -that- sick. Especially my first trip out. The first two weeks, the only thing I was able to keep down for longer than 30 minutes was half a cup of tea (literally) and half of an english muffin. But no one knew I was green. Mostly, I think because they were too busy to care.
My husband told me being sea sick is the worsed feeling in the world but usualy it only lasts about 8 hours for most peaple exept for poor jeremy last season on the F/V Time Bandit 3 days was'nt it 1  out of 1 found this valuable. Do you?    
1919. RE: get rid of Keith
May 18 2012, 12:39 PM EDT | Post edited: May 18 2012, 12:39 PM EDT
"My husband told me being sea sick is the worsed feeling in the world but usualy it only lasts about 8 hours for most peaple exept for poor jeremy last season on the F/V Time Bandit 3 days was'nt it"
The first week was always the worst. Even more so when the weather was up. Then again, it depends on the boat. I was on one boat for more than a month and I was ill every day till I'd been out on deck a few hours. Got back to shore and at the bunk house, took a shower and scared myself. Could see the spaces between my ribs. Do you find this valuable?    
1920. RE: get rid of Keith
May 18 2012, 12:42 PM EDT | Post edited: May 18 2012, 12:42 PM EDT
"the post was great,so nice of you to help out your ex,hope all works out well,Sandi"
He's a good guy. He's built for fishing. Being married, a father with a j.o.b. just wasn't working for him. :-) He'll be fine, but my daughter is trying not to freak. I guess I've told her too many stories and watched too much DC with her! Do you find this valuable?    
1921. RE: get rid of Keith
May 27 2012, 8:24 AM EDT | Post edited: May 27 2012, 8:24 AM EDT
"I think right after they went to quotas for opies you had a lot of guys that needed work but it doesn't take too long before they find something else and fade from the scene. As you know, they tend to scatter once off the boat. It's been a few years now. I expect most have found work elsewhere that doesn't lend itself to fishing schedules. There isn't a website, that I know if anyway, that you can post your resume as a fishermen and have it be seen by owners and captains. Most times, it's by word of mouth.

Case in point. My ex has been looking for work, back on a boat, after a hiatus of 11 years. He tried to catch up with some boat owners and captains we know but nothing was panning out yet. Zack Larson posted on FB that the Kodiak keeps losing guys. So I messaged him and told him I knew an experienced guy. He said they were full at the moment but he had heard that the Bering Hunter was looking for a guy. So, I researched until I found the boat owner's contact info. My Ex did the calling and emailing and Bingo! He's currently on a plane right now that will eventually take him out to St. Paul. Poor sucker. LOL

I was somewhat of a quiet sufferer. But then again, I didn't get -that- sick. Especially my first trip out. The first two weeks, the only thing I was able to keep down for longer than 30 minutes was half a cup of tea (literally) and half of an english muffin. But no one knew I was green. Mostly, I think because they were too busy to care.
Clouds, I think the local bars suffice as a "web site" for Captains and hands. lol Do you find this valuable?    
1922. RE: get rid of Keith
Jun 28 2012, 8:41 AM EDT | Post edited: Jun 28 2012, 8:41 AM EDT
I don't really hate Keith that much anymore... especially since that rescue. He definitely made the right call. It's Elliot that i despise. it's like Blake Painter on the Maverick all over again! 1  out of 1 found this valuable. Do you?    
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