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Discussion: Pon Pon?
Category: Discussion Forum / Crabs & Crabbing
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JustinFust |
20. RE: Pon Pon?
Aug 17 2009, 12:04 PM EDT
Not to make any one here sound like an idiot, but pon-pon is used by USCG (United States Coast Guard) to tell oter velsels to be on the look out for a missing boat and or crew. In aviation pon-pon is used to signal any air tower close enough to here that an engine in down or a failure on the plain.
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BEJohnson |
21. RE: Pon Pon?
Aug 17 2009, 9:10 PM EDT
This topic has been discussed on other forums. The radio reference forum has a good thread on the different priorities of messages and when to use MAYDAY, PAN-PAN and SECURITY or SECURITE. The correct pronunciation of PAN-PAN is covered in detail. Hint, it is NOT PON-PON like the coast guard uses it. The proper usage is PAN-PAN. The thread can be found here.http://forums.radioreference.com/marine-monitoring-forum/41494-pon-pon-pan-pan.html 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
JakeLickteig |
22. RE: Pon Pon?
Apr 26 2011, 5:39 PM EDT
I disagree in one of the episodes a ship was sinking and the uses pon pon as an emergency code
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