
Catch Quotes, Page 3

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Deadliest Catch Quotes | Captain Sig Hansen

Insert your profile pic here!User name:captn30

Favorite boat:northwestern
Quote:"Edgar, bite something!!!"
Who: sig
Boat: northwestern
Season: 4
Insert your profile pic here!User name: dudestir127

Favorite boat:
Quote: "My name is Edgar Hansen, welcome to my hell"
Who: Edgar Hansen
Boat: Northwestern
Season: 4 opies
Click me to listen!User name:Jimijamflimflam

Favorite boat: Rollo
Quote:Beepity bleep bleep
Who:Robin Cooper on fellow crewman Kenny
Boat: Sea Star
Episode: 2
Insert your profile pic here!User name:SilverSun1

Favorite boat: F/V Cornelia Marie
Quote: ' if you're not bleeding, you're not working"
Who: Russell Newberr
Boat: Time Bandit Deck Boss
Season: 4
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Favorite boat:
Quote: "He's got the biggest heart and the biggest mouth out of anyone I've ever known. The heart I can deal with, the mouth I can deal without"
Who: Edgar Hansen, talking about Matt Bradley
Boat: Northwestern
Episode: 5
Season: 3 (king)
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Favorite boat:
Quote:I want the crab count!!!!!!.... AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Who: Sig
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Favorite boat:
Quote:Crab fishing is so easy a caveman can do it.
Who: deckhand on the Time Bandit (Russ?)
Boat: Time Bandit
Episode: 11?
Season:3 Opie
Blake and the MaverickUser name:Gabriel<3bcp

Favorite boat:Maverick!/Cornelia Marie/ Time Bandit
Quote:There's no crying in crab fishing!
Who:Captain Blake Painter
Boat: Maverick
Episode: ?
Season: 3
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Favorite boat:
Northwestern and the Time Bandit
Quote:That jacket don't make you cool-It makes you look cool but it don't make you cool
Who: Captain Sig
Boat: Northwestern
Episode: last
Season: 4
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Favorite boat:
Cornelia Marie
Quote: If the Block ain't turnin'....We ain't earnin'
Who: Jake Anderson
Boat: Northwestern
Season: 5

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